Lifestyle, Money & Guacamole

 Heading to a happier & better life

Welcome to Lifestyle, Money & Guacamole

Hi there! A big and warmth welcome to Lifestyle, Money & Guacamole, a blog for those  looking for tips and motivation to improve your lifestyle & personal finance

My name is Angela and I am the heart and soul behind this site. I am a millennial working mum walking my own path in improving my lifestyle while making (or trying to make) smart money decisions. During the last 4 years, I have been very intentional in improving my financial situation and pursuing a much more balanced and happier lifestyle. So far, I have made some progress in my career, lived in 4 different countries and started a small family.  I have taken some good decisions but I have also made mistakes (yikes!) and learnt a few lessons on the go… I hope that my experiences can help you and that you enjoy the pictures I am sharing from my trips around the world.

Keep you in the loop,



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